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'Puppy Party' #3

Puppy Party #3 is now over, and I have never seen Oscar having so much fun! Somehow, he even managed to bring the usually timid / petrified Chihuahua (Tallulah) out of her shell. By some miracle, I was able to get a quick shot of Oscar and Tallulah squaring up in what can only be described as a Wild West shoot-em-out [pictured] - (although what the Carrot is doing in shot, I have no idea).

This weeks topic was on Grooming and Insurance. I know the two topics don't exactly go hand in hand, but it was informative all the same.

For those of you looking to use brushes on your dogs, the advice learnt today was to start off with a rubber brush (Kong make one I believe) and gradually introduce the wire brush.

We wee also told the importance of finding a good Dog Groomer, as you don't have to legally be trained in the profession, and there are apparantly some bad eggs out there.

I was told to bring in Oscars injection card detailing when he has his first lot of shots, in order to book him in for his last set. I was quite pleased to hear that we can in fact get them this Friday, so in a week and 2 days, he should be able to go on his first walk.


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