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'Puppy Party' #4 (The Last Puppy Party)

Today was met with both excitement and a little sadness as Oscar attended his...*sniff* Puppy Party at the Vets.

Getting him in the car was an easy job, as he has now connected car rides to fun at the vets / travelling to my parents for attention and treats. As soon as I parked up he was crying to be let out so we could go inside.

It's worth noting at this point that I received a phonecall on Monday from the Vets asking us if we could switch Oscar's class from Wednesday (small dogs only) to Thursday (bigger dogs only) due to his....*coughs*....excessive energy last week.

My heart almost skipped a beat, as I thought she was ringing to say he was going to be expelled for pinning down the Chihuahua! Luckily he wasn't.

We were surrounded by an Alsation, a Goldendoodle, a Black Labrador, Nero The Labradoodle (who is now Oscar's friend) and a Chocolate Lab called Pepsi. Holding onto Oscar was even more difficult this week, as the excitement was too much for him. He was wriggling all over the place.

This week's talk was on Dog behaviour and handling, and we were all asked to see how our pet reacts to us checking their teeth / eyes / ears and paws. Oscar seemed quite happy with this, but then we were told to pass our puppies to the left and swap with the person on our right!

I, of course got the biggest dog in the room...The Alsation! Let's just say he wasn't as easy to pick up as Oscar. I must confess a little anxiety when it came to checking his teeth, but he was well behaved, and I lived to tell the story - which is always a bonus.

After a lengthy play with the other dogs, whom, despite their size, he was still able to chase around and pin down [pictured], we said our goodbyes and Oscar and I were given a Puppy pack, complete with toys, information leaflets and a Certificate marking his completion of the 4-week Puppy Party [pictured].

Whatever will we do with our Thursday Lunchtimes now?...


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